online training and courses

The guidebook is in your hands...

all you have to do is open it.  Think of these courses as your guidebook to climbing and training during pregnancy and postpartum, with all the directions, pictures, and beta you need.

You wouldn't go to a new area without a why do pregnancy or postpartum as a climber without one?  

let's go →

In case no one has told you, I need you to know this:

You're not an eggshell; you just need a little more guidance right now.

Your body wasn't an eggshell before you got pregnant, and it's not one during or afterwards either.  You're still a climber and an athlete, and you can still train like one, you just need a little more help on how to do that.

Beta for the Bump

for TTC and/or Pregnant Climber

Education, Strength Training, Climbing Drills and Warm Up that are pregnancy specific; consider this your one-stop shop for knowledge, strength, and confidence going from bump to baby as a climber. 

Give Me The Beta →

The Postpartum Project

return to climbing the right way

The baby is here, and all you want to do is start climbing again...but how do you know what to do? This program takes the guesswork out of all of it for you.  We use programming that strengthens your core, pelvic floor while getting you back into climbing as a new Mom.


Send It Program

All about the love and muscles 

You're no longer postpartum, but you know you still want programming that makes you feel good - on and off the wall. Strength and climbing training based on what your body needs as a woman, with a focus on improving climbing performance.

send with joy →


I can do pull ups, I know how to use my core ...

"At the beginning of the Postpartum Project, I bought a 40lb kettlebell I thought I'd never use, and I pick it up without thinking twice...and I need to buy something heavier.  I would never made progress like this without your awesome guidance and this amazing community."

Anais | Postpartum Project Climber

Steep climbing never felt this easy before...

"It has all finally clicked, the breathing, the pelvic floor work, I am so happy.  I climbed a super steep problem, and it felt so easy, I am so excited for this progress I am making."

Luise | Postpartum Project Climber

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